Friday, April 22, 2016

Upside Down Feeding....or Not.

This little guy must be hungry because there's obviously nothing in the suet holder and yet there he hangs upside down picking away.  Soon afterwords there was a new cake present but he wasn't around.  This appears to me to be a small or young woodpecker.  It has all the markings on the wings and head of the red headed one that showed up shortly after the new cake went in minus the red head markings, but then I'm not knowledgable all that much on birds.

Spring Time!

It finally bloomed, the Cherry tree that we moved because of the winds beating it to death.  That and the fact that the winter wasn't as bad this year as the last couple made a difference in a lot of plants.  We did have a hard frost and freeze so if I allowed it you would see some of the damage but that's not going to happen so enjoy.

Saturday, April 9, 2016

April Snow Showers? Bring May Flowers?

Here we are, 8 days into April in southern Ohio and instead of it being in the 60's we are about 36 degrees below that normal.  A lot of plants got an early start in mid-March and then January hit again.  This is what we awoke to this morning.  Did sleep through the real spring, summer and fall or was March just a dream?

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Same Picture...Different Editing...FREE Program

Not too long ago I would always hear people talking about a program for photography editing that was mainly for black and white, or so it seemed.  Recently I received an email newsletter about the program called Nik Collection and it said it was a free download.  You say free and I'm there.

First I had to look it up and I found that Google bought NIK in 2012 for their mobile apps.  Nik was selling the programs for around $500.  There are 7 programs in the collection...Nik's Analog Efex Pro, Color EfexPro, Silver Efex Pro, Viveca, HDR Efex Pro, Sharpener Pro and Dfine.  Google was selling it for $149.  This program is awesome in that it works with Aperture, Photoshop and Lightroom, Elements and on either Mac's or PC's.  I downloaded both as I have an older PC laptop and a newer MacBook Pro.  The download was fast on both machines and so simple that I thought this must be a loser of a program.  It works great on either machine and in some ways is not only more simple to use but faster as well.  You may stumble through the first 30 minute to an hour, depending on how well you are with editing software but if this is your first experience with editing the hour is all you will need to be really up to speed.  It launches from any other software as a plug-in and gives you tons of options.  I thought ON 1 10 was good but it kind of puts them to shame in speed and options.

 I have two edits of the same image here.  The black and white was my first attempt at editing a color image conversion with Nik and was done in Silver Efex Pro 2,  the color was done in Color Efex Pro 4.  Both had LR edits first and then Nik and then resized to .jpg.

Click on images to enlarge.