Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Blue Herron Feeds and Takes Flight

We seem to be getting a lot of action from the Blue Herron's of late.  Generally we get one at a time but recently we have had as many as three.  This one is one of the larger birds that visit the pond. 

The first two shots are at a distance of about 60 feet.  The later shots are when it decided to take flight to get to the otherside so it ended up around 150 feet away. 

I played the fool and crawled down to a wall that is on the ponds edge next to my house.  I was able to get to within 20 feet or so but that spooked him, hence the reason for flight.  I'm sure that any neighbors that may have seen me think I am nuts.  Nope, just retired with time on my hands.

1 comment:

Shantanu said...

Nice pic.! I didnt know you like nature along with machines. Thats too cool. I like it.