Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Time change

Well, the good old time change got me as well as the clouds. I was hoping that on the first and 15th of every month I would get a nice clear day to take the same old shot and see how time and the months of the year go by light wise. Only in the beginning did I get sunshine and then maybe once in February. As spring approaches the cloudy rainy days are still ahead of us. It's normal to be cloudy in the winter but I was still hoping to see the suns transition across the sky.

From the direction that the camera is setup in we should have seen light from the right moving to the left. Using the same time every time it is taken only shows the up or down of the horizon and light. Normally one would see the light behind the tree line on the right in the deepest or darkest months and through the trees on the left in June/July. It seems to rise quicker but I'm sure it doesn't.

1 comment:

Shannon said...

That is pretty much how it looked here today too, overcast and dreary.