Friday, July 29, 2011

I Don't Know Officer....The Road Changed Direction And......

We live near a round-a-bout. If you don't know what that is, it's a circle with four points of egress/ingress. We have a total of sixteen signs to direct, re-direct and confuse the drivers. This is not age limited, we have seen young, sorry but mainly females, literally go up the wrong way when leaving either the north or south plat (this would be left = N and right = S) in the sketch. Four Yields, four Pedistrian silhouettes with arrows pointing towards the painted road, four right pointing One Way arrows to show which way to go when entering the round-a- bout and four signs that tell you to stay on your side of the concrete devider when entering on the main road. This is where the young driver gets confused, not sure how, but they enter while driving on a two lane road that seperates with a triangle shaped piece of concrete in the road leading into the circle. They go left of the triangle thus go counter clockwise in the circle. Getting out of the cirlce is the hard part IF a car is coming towards them from the opposite direction. With the older driver, it's the One Way signs that get them. They enter correctly but then take the first exit out to the right when they wanted to exit on the opposite side of the circle.

The first picture of how confusing this could be for the mindless and the second is the result for driving too fast at night and probably under the influence because he hit the curb in the upper right side of the outer circle, blowing out three tires and damaging his left front quarter panel and the light pole he hit.

If you haven't figured it out, I can't draw.


Birdman said...

Ya, our nearby town has gone round-about crazy over the last few years. What's it all about? $$$$$$ I bet.

Anonymous said...

The circle in Greenville, Ohio is similar but without those diamond shapes. People have used it for ages without any problems. If, as you approach it, anyone is coming around, you wait and then go behind and once you are in, everyone waiting to enter will wait on you to pass them. When you get to the street you want to turn on you peel off and go that way. We do it every time we go to the Maid Rite in Greenville.

Butch said...

Birdman, they just have to spend the stimulus $$$$$.

Abe, the problem down here in this area is the lack of patience. It's all about how fast they can get going when leaving a residental neighborhood or how fast they can get there before they need to slow down.