Friday, May 4, 2012

Friday Bath


Birdman said...

Love goldfinches. This shot's beauty. The birdbath's the thing.

Anonymous said...

I have some bright goldfinches here too but my birdbath is rather dull in comparison to your birdbath. I get a lot of starlings and grackles this time of year. The starlings usually bring their young ones here first to show me them and to show them where they can get some food and water. Then the grackles will bring their young ones here to show them off to me. I really like it and look forward to their coming each year. They can be a pain in the ass sometimes when it comes to them eating but I know they have to eat to have healthy babies so I give up and let them alone.

Jesus came and appeared in Human Form. So we don't really know what God, the father looks like, and I am thinking He must be a big bird of some sort so I have to keep all the birdies happy.

I was here over 8 times in past lives, according to people who know such things, and didn't have to come back this time but did anyway. I guess one reason was to take care of the birds and the little patch of environment I own here in Brookville.