Monday, August 30, 2010

End of Season Activity

Well, the summer season is coming to an end. It's the last of August, the grass is brittle and you can see the start of the change in the leaves on trees and shrubs. One hopes for a really colorful fall but you just never know what is in store in this area. We rarely get what West Virginia gets or New England but there are times we do get some very vivid colors.

The critters of the world are starting to load up for their hibernation or migration periods. Our Butterfly Bush has been loaded all year with butterflies and skippers as well as some very large black and yellow bees. I have a plant on the north side of the house that the bees really like. They don't bother you, even when I brush my arm through the plant while working in the area doesn't distract them.

Three days ago we noticed a Hummingbird out back. I had put the feeder away because I hadn't seen any and I had replaced it with a Finch feeder. I didn't think the two would get along so close. Well, I put it back up and yesterday I had three hanging around all day. Started with only one and then two and at the end of the day there were three. They are back this morning. They are roosting in the tree that the feeder is in and in a hanging pot of flowers on the deck. They are the Ruby Throat variety. So now, I will keep this feeder changed and full of nectar. Only change, I believe I will alter the color of the liquid. Doesn't matter since they are colored blind but it could make some interesting shots for the camera.

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